23 Aug 2012

Angst vor der eigenen Courage

This German saying expresses my current state of mind: You're scared by your own courage... I've never been comfortable being a teacher or leading a group, and now I've decided to initiate a Meditation & Mindfulness group at my workplace!
After having settled it all with our boss and the internal communicator I feel really nervous! How will it go? Will there be any colleagues interested or will just one or two show up? Are they going to be deadly bored or will it actually give them something?
Because I find meditation and mindfulness so important for a good balance in life, I'd like to spread ways of practicing them to others. Now I've decided to challenge myself and DO that. Never mind my personal fears of failing as an instructor! :-)
By preparing myself well I hope to catch my colleague's interest and spread practices that have helped me so much. Hopefully I'll be able to sow some seeds...

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